Friday, August 15, 2014

Gimmie Shelter

After watching this riveting piece of artwork; Vanessa Hudgens and Rosario Dawson, are permanently programmed in my list of mental notes as "go-to" actresses for future films. 

This movie was extremely raw and unapologetic in its bluntness, and after reading the story-line and viewing the film in its entirety -- you come to realize that there's no other way it could've been. 

A child grows up...barely reaching her teenage years, never knowing her father and being raised by a drug addicted mother who only wants her child around as a form of income -- which she receives from the state government. Eventually, the child is old enough to realize that her life hurts and the only way to get relief, is by running away from her mother's death trap. 

Throughout the movie you follow the child's difficult journey and endure with her the insurmountable obstacles; witnessing the many firsts of her, happiness, peace, pride, structure and confidence, all the things that were desperately lacking in her life at the beginning of the film.
Vanessa Hudgens;Rosario Dawson

Gimmie Shelter is the perfect title for this movie because you literally watch a child's struggle to find that very thing -- that most of us know as "home."

This film will soften hearts and make you think but most importantly, it'll create new advocates and activists for the well-being of children. 

Kudos to the writer and all who were involved with this project -- it's a must see for sure. 

On a side note: This movie reminded of a song titled Brenda's Got A Baby by rapper Tupac Shakur, and because the words fit so well with this film I decided to link the video and lyrics here -- for any young girl that finds herself in a situation as the above mentioned; know that there's a way out and people that are willing to help you.

2014 LA

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