Tuesday, February 1, 2011

AcTrEsS tArAjI p. HeNsOn BaReS aLl FoR cHaRiTaBlE cAuSe

PETA's new ad campaign is set to launch next month during NYC's Fashion Week, actress Taraji P. Henson (seen-r) stated she'd rather go naked than wear fur.

The forty year old actress stated, "Before I saw that documentary, I would wear fur. But I saw this documentary, and I was riveted. I cried. Could you imagine somebody ripping your hair out, while you're still awake, fully conscious? It's ridiculous, for the sake of fashion."

I'm sure PETA appreciates Ms. Henson's contribution to their project. Almost as much as men and women all over the world who are drooling over this photo right now! Ha!

This photo is rather captivating if I say so myself. 

2011 LA

SiNgErS fAnTaSiA bArRiNo & KaNdI bUrRUsS iN a BoOtY sHaKiNg CoMpEtItIoN!

To funny! Check them out!