Showing posts with label Dr. Simone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Simone. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2013

MaRrIeD tO mEdIcInE rEvIeW

Have you seen the newest reality show titled "Married to Medicine?"

I was intrigued by the concept of the show, although I crave a reality show with politicians wives -- I felt doctor's wives could be interesting. And interesting it was, in particular, because the show included doctor's wives and wives that are doctors.

Breakdown of characters:

1. Mariah - who introduced all the ladies on the show, is married to an ER doctor and they have two children. Mariah's language, outfits and make-up reflect her personality; colorful, dramatic and sassy. Although Mariah is well off she exudes the "girl next door" attitude, while making it blatantly clear who the "Queen B" is. 

2. Quad (Quadriyyah)  - is Mariah's BFF, Ace Boon Coon or Sister from another mister (this is how tight they are.) Quad is married to a psychiatrist and have no children, although she refers to her two dogs (Chloe and Kary) as her children. Her style of dress is most often professional but because her curves go on for days -- her "professional" look to some can be regarded as sexy. Quad is known to be very reserved and classy until you get on her bad side, that is.

3. Kari - is English, and she makes it her point to remind you. With her English accent being the obvious difference from the other five women, Kari is married to a neurosurgeon with whom she has two children. Kari doesn't fare to well on the show since she's gridlocked in an argument with Mariah and Quad! Kari may not like physical conflict, but she sure knows how to take a dig at people behind their backs. She's actually pretty funny! Especially when she tried mimicking Mariah's signature two-liner "Yeeeees honey' and side-eye look! Have to give her props for trying.

4. Toya - knew Mariah first, and proceeded to get to know the other women quickly. She's married to an ER doctor, with whom she has two children. Toya always seemed like she meant well; making strides to befriend the ladies while working ferociously at her entrepreneurial endeavors. She's a hard ass that knows what she wants but appears to be a bit controlling at times, and as displayed on the show her "behind the back talking" got her caught up in a fight with Mariah and Quad! Toya and Mariah fist fought, well, maybe "pulling hair" fought, and Quad blasted on Toya about her DUI record! Yea, it get's nasty. I will say to Toya, that throwing Mariah's christening gift in the fire was pretty mean, and watching your husband call Mariah the "b" word was very disappointing. I'd hate to be your enemy!

5. Dr. Simone - delivered Mariah's baby, which is how she was brought in to the circle. Dr. Simone is comical, compassionate, tough, blunt and a WHOLE LOT OF FUN! It's like, should you ever meet her she'll say to you, "I am who I am, take me or leave me, now pass the vodka." She doesn't want any conflicts or drama, but doesn't mind partaking in conversation about the other ladies to solve their problems -- of course. Dr. Simone is married with two children and often expresses on camera, how she wishes she had more time for her kids. I would imagine running your own practice is time consuming, but from what I see she's an amazing doctor with an infectious personality. 

6. Dr. Jackie - is friend's with Dr. Simone and their practices are next door to one another, which means lunch dates and lots of interesting conversation. These two are like night and day, yet they work well with each other. Dr. Jackie is a cancer survivor and has publicly admitted that the illness took away her ability to conceive, and it also took away her adoption options. She commits herself to good health by eating healthy and exercising, and often appears to be the "mother" or "mediator" of the group of women. She believes women should act like ladies while portraying wisdom and maturity. Dr. Jackie is married with one step child. She appears to be a great doctor, mother and wife.

And when you combine all these different personalities together what do you get? A rubik's cube of confusion!

Check your On Demand listings for past episodes if it sounds interesting, the network is Bravo!

2013 LA