Tuesday, January 13, 2009

LaTiNoS fOr ObAmA fUrIoUs WiTh J-lO aNd MaRc aNtHoNy

Allegedly, the 'Latinos for Obama' group are furious with actress Jennifer Lopez and singer Marc Anthony, apparently for being two-faced. 

Recently, J-Lo and her hubby Marc asked President-Elect Barack Obama, if they could perform at the inauguration. But it's been reported that originally Jennifer and Marc were never fans of Barack Obama and voted for John McCain, and only after Obama won the presidency -- did they start showing support.

Latinos complained the wealthy couple never made a donation to Obama's campaign.

And when Obama requested their presence in Orlando, Florida, to campaign and turn out the Latino vote Lopez, still refused to endorse him. Instead, they were replaced with former president Bill Clinton and Jimmy Smits.

Now that Obama actually won the election, people feel that the powerful Latin couple is trying to use the performance for a publicity stunt -- but I highly doubt that they'll be performing.

2009 LA


  1. Yuck, how opportunistic of them. I like Jennifer and Marc has a great voice, but I can think of tons of others I'd like to see perform at this historical event. The inaugruation, is a serious event, not a late night talk show where performers sell their wares.

    Nice post.


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