Monday, October 13, 2008

PaRiS hIlToN'S "nEw BfF" rEaLiTy ShOw

Have you guys been watching, 'Paris Hilton's New BFF' show? 

The episode I saw, was enough to convince me not to watch it again. Paris began the show by giving adolescents challenges to compete against one another to win prizes; this didn't bother me as much, as I understand competition within a game - but the things she had them doing weren't really challenging. 

For example: One challenge was to see which contestant could party the longest; after partying all night in a club the contestant's were whisked away to a country club for another challenge. At the country club the challenge was to see which contestant, wasn't to tired to ride on the back of a buff man. 

Ooookay, she lost me. I just didn't get it. 

Next, Paris filled a closet with clothes for the contestants because as she pointed out, it's very important to always "look hot" when hanging out with her.

What is this show about again? And what do the contestants get for winning all these challenges? 

Is their ultimate prize really going to be a friendship with Paris Hilton, forever? Will they really hang out and do friend things with Paris, for the rest of their lives? Come on now, what is the point of this show?

Nothing against the girl, but I think what she's teaching children is wrong. Her show is basically about who is willing to embarrass themselves enough to win the most challenges, in order to be Paris' best friend forever. Really? 

This reminds me of those movies when the supposedly "cool crowd", will invite the "dorky crowd" to a party under false pretense - and for pure entertainment purposes only. 

But isn't friendship supposed to happen naturally and be built on love and loyalty - not superficial things?

They should change the title of the show from, "Paris' New BFF" to "Paris' Puppet Playmates".

2008 LA

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